Tuesday, May 24, 2016

I'm in! Well almost

Good news, I'm in! I will officially be entering the business start-up program on June 2nd. I wasn't actually worried about it though to be honest. Since the partner group gets paid for assisting in start-ups, they aren't the ones wanting to discourage people by not letting them into the program. :)

I took in my new and improved business concept along with the five year financial plan. My Betreuer (agent) said that I was WAY more prepared than most people, who just waltz in the door with an idea in their head.

I got a bunch of useful hand-outs that show me that I need to generate 80K in revenues in order to earn 1k less a month than I used to.

At that income level, a cool 1000 euros a month goes to pension fund, accidental insurance coverage, medical insurance coverage (don't ask me why those are two separate things) and self-employment insurance (basically your new unemployment fund). What's left over gets taxed, according to that handy tax table I posted.

It's a socialized country, so you gotta fill up the coffers in order to make it work.

However, it was other people filling up the coffers that enabled me to enter the start-up business program and get money each month without dipping into my unemployment fund. If all goes really badly with my start-up, I will still have my full unemployment assistance available to me if necessary.

So nothing's free of course, but I feel you do get good value for your money in the end with the services that are provided in this country.

But that's what starting a business is all about, right? Working twice as hard to earn half as much! Or maybe I should start scrum in my business, lol ->

(just kidding - in my experience with scrum, Jupiter must be in exact alignment with an ascending Saturn on the last full moon in order to create the right work environment for this statement to come even close to being correct)

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